
"give room for the sunshine that has been blocked by the sadness you choose to let consume you completely."

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Things I Hate

Waking up in the middle of the night

     Being lied to

            Writing huge papers for school

      Being too cold

   Being too hot

Listening to long lectures

                        Trying to get a job

             Not getting enough sleep

Leg cramps

      Losing in any way

Getting a bad grade

           People telling me what to do



    Hate lists



I'm not afraid to tell people how I feel

      I am afraid of heights

I'm not afraid of sickness or death

      I am afraid of my loved ones dying

I'm not afraid of doing hard things

      I am afraid of snakes

I'm not afraid of taking risks 

      I am afraid of hurting people physically and emotionally

I'm not afraid to be made fun of

      I am afraid my future won't turn out the way I plan it to in my head

I'm not afraid of God


      I fear God

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Growing Up

Living on my own
Future family

There's so much to prepare for that us seniors are going to be experiencing within the next several years and sometimes it's stressful to think about and sometimes it's exciting!

I just wish I could focus more on living in the moment.

One of my biggest fears is that I'm going to look back at my senior year as an adult and wish I would have worried less about my future and lived in the moment.

I want to remember my senior year as something more than just a preparation or planning year ya know?

How to catch a football; Game Situation

1. Good stance/eyes up

2. Explode of the line

3. Sperate yourself from the DB

4. Look back at the QB/expect the ball

5. Find the ball and lock eyes on it

6. Squeeze ball and tuck (high and tight)

7. Get up field!

8. WAKE UP. You didn't even get put in...

9. Get pissed off

10. Work harder 

11. Run faster

12. Do anything/everything to get put in

13. Get a positive attitude 

14. Seek your opportunity

15. Steps 1-7

16. Score

17. Repeat

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What I love about fall

Football (duh)
-college football
-Friday night lights
Fall colors
Warm days/cold nights 
Scary movies
New school year
Not super cold yet
No super hot days
Crisp air
Hot Chocolate
Hot dates
Corn on the cob
Bon fires
Family time
Haunted houses
Trick or treating 
Day light savings
Scary stories
Monday night football
It's not spring


If there were no differences in life then there would be nothing good or bad...

If we didn't ever feel sad or mad we could never feel happy.

If we never felt stressed or nervous we wouldn't know what a calming feeling was like.

You get the point...

Opposition sucks but is great at the same time. It requires us to have pain in order for us to feel joy. 

We all have to go through the bad stuff so let's not make it any harder than it needs to be.

Go help someone. Be there for someone who is struggling because you never know the difference you could make.

Without even knowing it, you could be the good opposition in life someone has been so desperately searching for.